My adventures began when my first flight was severely delayed. I landed in Salt Lake City 2 minutes before my departure time for St. Louis. I ran through 3 terminals with my backpack at a full sprint. The whole time thinking to myself, thank God I wore my tennis shoes and not my flip flops and I just ran 3 miles last night... I should be in shape... then why am I so out of breath! I arrived at my gate and my plane was still there but the ticket agent had already left. So I went to another gate and demanded that the agent help me! I'm not sure if my pleading, begging, or my asthma attack that convinced the agent to help me get on the plane! But I made it to St Louis! Shocking but my bag did NOT! With no chance that my bag would arrive before the wedding (and yes I pitched a fit with the Delta representative that I needed the bag for the wedding). Saturday morning with a 2 hour time restraint, my mom and I went shopping for a dress and shoes! No pressure!!! We found a black dress and silver shoes and Delta happily reimbursed me for it!!! So this is my Delta Dress!
The wedding was wonderful and the bride, Mary C looked more radiant than any southern belle including Scarlet O'Hara! After a wonderful ceremony, a couple of pictures, everyone had a great time at the reception! People ate too much and danced until midnight. All in all the wedding was fabulous!! Congratulation Mary C and Chance!!
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